The presumption of innocence establishes that everyone must be treated as innocent until a court declares otherwise. In El Salvador, this right is enshrined in article 12 of the Political…
adminJuly 25, 2022
A human right that must be present in every legal process, as it seeks to confirm the legality and correct application of the laws within a framework of respect for…
adminJuly 25, 2022
The act in which a person is arrested for committing a crime without a prior order from a judge. In El Salvador, this legal term is found in article 323…
adminJuly 25, 2022
Prueba forense obsoleta e imprecisa que consiste en introducir en un recipiente con agua los pulmones y observar si estos flotan. Actualmente, no es utilizada para determinar el nacimiento en…
adminJuly 25, 2022
Falta de respiración que ocurre antes del nacimiento, a lo largo del embarazo o durante el parto. Más información:
adminJuly 25, 2022
A serious birth defect occurs when the upper part of the neural tube does not close completely and therefore the fetus does not generate essential parts of the brain. It…
adminJuly 25, 2022
Occurs when the fertilized egg implants outside the uterine cavity. It occurs during 1-2% of pregnancies and is considered the main cause of fetal and maternal death in the first…
adminJuly 25, 2022